Persian Walnut – Juglans Regia
Carpathian Walnut
Carpathian / English Walnut. Plum, thin shelled, English type walnut; slightly smaller, much hardier. Full flavor; excellent quality. Symmetrical tree quickly grows 30-50 feet tall and 40 feet wide. spreading crown, sturdy, grey limbs. Dark green, lacy foliage. Bears in 5-7 years. Self fertile, but better with another. Pest and disease resistant. Likes sunny, deep, fertile, well drained, 6.5-7 ph loam soils. Nuts fall free of husks when ripe in fall. Hardy to 30 degrees F. Zones 3-9. Originated in the Carpathian Mountains of Poland. Ins 1939, Reverend Crath distributed seed nuts to the university of Guelph in Ontario and the Wisconsin Horticultural Society.
Butternut (Juglans cinerea) x Heartnut (J. Ailantifolia). Combines the adaptability, cold tolerance and sweet flavor of butternut with the high yields, easy to crack shells, shapely branches and handsome foliage of heartnut. Vigorous tree grows 80 feet tall and wide. First bred in British Columbia in the early 1900s. Hardy through Zone 4.