Large crops of easy to crack nuts with golden nutmeats. Shrub grows just 6 feet tall. Small, shapely leaves turn crimson and gold in the fall. Plant two or more to ensures cross pollination.
Beaked Hazelnut – Wild Hazelnut
Corylus Cornata. Tasty nuts up to .7 inch diameter. Multistemmed shrub grows 10-15 feet tall. Late flowering early ripening. Shy bearing. Resistant to Eastern filbert blight. Drought tolerant. Zone 4-8. Native from British Columbia to California.
Western Hazelnut
Corylus cornuta var. California. Beaked hazelnut variety that is native from British Columbia to California. Shrub/Tree grows 15-30 feet tall with spreading stems. Bears small tasty nuts. Drought hardy. Zone 6.
American Hazelnut
Corylus Americana. Clusters of 2-6 round, small nuts with smooth, thick shells; easy to crack.Sweet, round kernels shell out whole. Distinctive taste. Shapely shrub grows slowly 6-10 feet tall. Can be pruned into a small tree if basal suckers are removed. Rough, dark green leaves turn brilliant bronze in the fall. Abundant, annual crops. Bears in 2-3 years; life span of 30-80. Plant two or more for proper cross pollination. Subject to, but does not carry, Eastern filbert blight. Thrives in full sun or partial shade on fertile, well drained soil. Ripens in September or early October. Zones 4-9. Eastern United states native.
European – European Filbert
Corylus avellana. Clusters of 1-8 small, round nuts that are easy to crack. Crisp, crunchy, sweet kernels shell out whole. Bushy shrub grows 15-25 feet tall and forms a dense thicket of erect stems. Ideal for hedgerows or windbreaks. Dependable bearer of heavy crops. thick spreading foliage. More cold and drought tolerant because of taproot growth habit rather than lateral shallow rooting. Ripens early. Hardy anywhere peaches grow. Zones 5-9.
European – Barcelona (OLD)
Large to very large, round, .75 inch smooth shelled nut. Ready self husking; easy to crack. Rough, light brown kernel. Fine rich flavor.; high quality. Strong vigorous shrub grows 15-18 feet tall and wide. Leaves and bark susceptible to sunburn. Needs afternoon shade in hot climates. Heavy bearer, but tends to produce biennially up to 40 pounds of nuts per bush. Pollinate with Duchilly. Possibly the most widely planted commercial type in the Northwest. Ripens during September. 800 chill hours. Winter blossoms are hardy to 15 degrees F. Grows well in zones 5-8. Hardy wherever peaches can be grown.
European: Tonda Di Giffoni
Leading Italian Variety with outstanding flavor. Medium size nuts blanch perfectly. Productive. Shows good blight and mite resistance. Pollinate with all varieties except Barcelona.
Hazelnut – Jefferson (New Barcelona)
Corylus avellana. Resembles Barcelona but with fewer blanks, shrivel kernels and mold. Produces large flavorful nuts. well filled shells. Blooms late. Immune to Eastern filbert blight disease. High resistance to big bud mite. Oregon State University Release.
European – Yamhill
Best kernel variety with complete immunity to Eastern filbert blight. Small tree produces round nuts. Early ripening. Pollinates with Barcelona, Gem, Hall’s Giant, Delta, Gamma and Tonda di Giffoni.
American hazelnut (Corylus Americana) x European Filbert (C. Avellana). Large nut up to one inch diameter. Grows 10 feet tall. Can be trained as a shrub or a tree. Requires two for pollination. Ripens during September.
Filazel: Gellatly
This selection represents the best quality early filazels including a mix of Myoka, Petoka and the Manoka seedlings. Ripens during September. Hardy in Zone 4
Trazel Gellatly Seedlings
High percentage of usable seedlings. Jack Gellatly was responsible for crossing peace river Alberta native hazels with Asiatic filberts combining large size with hardiness.
Turkish Filbert / Tree Hazel
Corylus colurna. Clusters of 8-12 long, pointed nuts per husk. Delicious, but small and hard as rocks. Good tasting kernels. Pyramidal symmetrical,non suckering tree grows 50-70 feet tall and 30 feet wide. Striking corky corrugations of the bark. Dense foliage. Yellowish brown male catkins early in spring. Requires pollination. Resistant to eastern filbert blight, except occasionally when young. Amazingly drought resistant once established. Winter hardy to -30 degrees F and throughout zone 4. Good for where to cold for filbets. Excellent dual windbreak. Native to southeastern Europe and Western Asia.
Trazel – European filbert x Turkish Tree Hazel
Corylus avellana) x Turkish Tree Hazel (C. Colurna). Oval nut. Rich, hazelnut flavor. Seedling filberts from Turkey that are as winter hardy as the Turkish Tree Hazel but grow only 30 feet tall. Ornamental tree has a beautiful furrowed bark. Blossoms from January to March with yellow catkins. Select two seedlings for pollination or Trazel and Turkish Tree Hazel will cross pollinate. Winter hardy to -25 degrees F.