Cranberry Bush

Highbush Cranberry

Viburnum Trilobum. Not a true cranberry but used as a substitute. Large clusters of scarlet fruits are edible but somewhat bitter. Make delicious tart jellies, sauces, preserves, syrups and wines. Grows 8-12 feet tall. Covered with showy white blossoms in spring. Grows well in any moist, loamy soil. Shade tolerant. Beautiful vivid red fall color. Ripens in late July. Fruit hangs on all winter. Attractive to birds. Hardy to –30F. Zone 2-9. Native to Canada.

Highbush cranberry Ukraine

Viburnum opulus. Snowy white flowers produce bright red fruit and beautiful yellow and red fall colors. Ukraine is known for its productivity and large superior quality fruit. Selected at the main botanic garden in Kiev.

European Cranberry Bush. Viburnum Opulus

 Scarlet berries much like the cranberry. Eaten in northern countries. Spirits can be distilled from them. Valuable food for the birds. Shrub grows 13 feet tall. White flowers in 4 inch clusters from May to June. Hardy in Zone 3.

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