Belle de Boskoop

Bud sport of Reinette de Montfort. Large, greenish-yellow fruit with dark red blush. Rough skin. Crisp, tangy, highly aromatic flesh. Outstanding for dessert, cooking and baking. Sweetens in storage. Excellent keeper. Needs a pollinator. Ripens in November or December depending on location. Zones 3-6. Named after a small community in southern Holland where it originated in 1856. Favorite in England.


New York red Spy  x Macoun. Deep carmine red on green yellow ground. Small conspicuous white lenticels. Excellent quality dessert apple. Tart, mildly aromatic flavor. Moderately vigorous tree is a a heavy cropper with annual thinning. Good insect and disease resistance. Ripens early October. Excellent apple for northern growing areas. Originated in Nova Scotia, Canada around 1950.

Ashmeads Kernel

Medium size, greenish yellow fruit with a brown flush. Usually covered with a heavy russet. Flattish round shape, sometimes slightly conical. Crisp, yellowish juicy flesh. Unique, nut like flavor. Tart when tree ripe. Peak flavor quality in early November. Rated first in quality a few years ago in a blind taste tests conducted by the Royal Horticultural society. Makes an excellent tasting cider. Will keep 3-4 months. Large Precocious tree. Resists powdery mildew. Ripens late September through October. 800-1000 chill hours. Hardy to -40 degrees F. Raised from seed planted by Dr. Ashmead, an eminent physician in Gloucester England in the 18th Century.

Gravenstein Red

Improved red strain of the old favorite cooking apple with darker red stripes. Firmer, snappy, white flesh with distinctive flavor. Excellent quality. Vigorous, productive tree. Triploid. 700 chill hours. Ripens from late August to September depending on Location. Zone 2. Originated in Germany around 1873.

Fortune – NY 429

Red Spy x Empire. Large attractive fruit. Yellow flesh. Tree has dense foliage. Very vigorous. Blooms between red and golden delicious. Very good fresh eating quality. Fire blight susceptible. Ripens midseason. Hardy to zone 5. Developed at the New York station. Introduced in 1995.

Epicure (Laxtons Epicure)

Wealty x Cox’s Orange Pippin. Medium sized fruit. The Smooth, dry, tough green yellow skin is flushed orange brown and streaked with red. Coarse flesh is sometimes tinged pink. Sweet flavor sometimes described as pear like. Upright, spreading, hardy tree is moderately vigorous and spur bearing. Frost Resistant. Requires fruit thinning for large fruit production. Perfect in season but not a keeper. Ripens late august and early September. Originated in England in the early 1900s.

Williams Pride

Yellow fleshed fruit with mildly sub acid flavor. Dark maroon purple skin color with numerous tiny white dots and a thin bloom. Light cream flesh shows red staining just under the chewy thick skin. Flavor is a nice acidic blend of tart and sweet. Vigorous upright tree requires 2-3 pickings. Thin for annual bearing. Blooms early. Pollinated by all but Gravenstein and King. Resistant to apple scab and cedar apple rust. Moderate resistance to fire blight and powdery mildew. Zones 4-9. Developed at Purdue University, 1988.

Pink  Lady

A cross between golden delicious and Lady Williams from the Western Australian apple breeding program. Oblong, green fruit turns yellow at maturity and is overlaid with pink or light red. Fine grained, white flesh resists browning. Thin skin bruises easily. Fruit will store for six to eight months in common storage, longer in controlled atmosphere. Self Fruitful. Ripens late September. Chilling requirements similar to granny smith. 400-500 hours. Zones 6-9

Pink Pearl

Pink fleshed variety developed from Surprise, which was first noted in England in 1831. Medium sized apple with attractive cream and green skin, sometimes blushed with red cheek in warmer areas. Novel, bright pink flesh. Rich, sweet flavor. Fine aroma. Good dessert quality. Makes colorful applesauce or pie filling. Good storage ability. Medium to large tree. Scab susceptible. Blooms early with a highly ornamental profusion of crimson pink blossoms. Requires cross pollination. Ripens August to September. 600 chill hours. Zone 4. Developed by California apple breeder, Albert Etter. Introduced in 1944.

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