Halls Hardy
Ornamental tree with dark green foliage grows rapidly to 15-20feet. Profusion of pale pink flowers in spring. Blooms late for an almond but is still subject to late spring frosts. Self-Fruitful. Heavy bearer. Produces nuts 2-3 years after planting. Large nuts with hard shells and bittersweet kernels. Hardier than commercial varieties and thicker shelled. Susceptible to brown rot, shot hole fungus, and navel orange worm. 600-800 chill hours. Zones 5-9. Ripens from early September into October depending on the location. Only almond suitable for the Pacific Northwest.
Nikitas Pride
Ukrainian variety. Large, high quality nuts. Somewhat self-fertile; larger yields when two varieties are planted. Blooms late. Peach leaf Curl resistant. Zones 7-10.