Nut Trees for Sale – Winter 2024

 In conservation, food-forests, Orchard Planting

Our Goal is to distribute 100 Nut Trees for planting on Salt Spring Island this winter.

These are Healthy, Vigorous, One-year old trees ready to be planted

Why Plant Nut Trees?

  • Valuable Timber and delicious nuts for both people and wildlife
  • Low Maintenance, Easy to grow trees
  • Estimated Yield of 5-10lbs of nuts per tree after 7 year period.
  • Estimated Yield of 15-20lbs per tree after 12 year period.

Why Choose Our Trees?

Our trees are 1 year old bare root trees grown in “Air Prune” boxes. This means that you get:

  • Great Price: $50 per tree compared to nursery grown trees which average $100+
  • Strong Roots: Avoid problems of circling roots on container grown trees.
  • Support Local: 100% of profits go back into purchasing seeds and materials for our Community Tree Nursery located on Salt Spring Island.

Varieties available:

  • English Walnut (Juglans Regia )
  • Japanese Heartnut (Juglans Ailantifolia)
  • Shagbark Hickory (Carya Ovata)
  • Hazelnut (Corylus Avellana / Cornuta Hybrid – Seedlings of Farris & Slate)
  • Garry Oak / Oregon White Oak (Quercus Garryana)

Product Details

All Trees include inoculation with mycorrhizae fungi

Age: All trees are 1 Year old, Bare root Trees.

Size: The Walnuts & Hazelnuts are around 1ft

The Shagbark Hickory and Garry Oaks are around 6”


$50 / Tree      

25% off for 10+ Trees

50% off for 20+ Trees

Free Delivery on Salt Spring Island     

Free Pickup at our Farm Stand 238 Maliview.


We Guarantee the tree will survive the first year or we will replace the tree.*

*Tree must be planted prior to March 30th, mulched, and watered at least once in July and August.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the best time to plant?

Best time to plant bare root Nut Trees is from January – March

Do I need to water these trees?

We recommend a mulch of alder woodchips to conserve water. We also recommend watering in the summer months of July and August for the first couple years. Irrigation systems will increase yield.

What do these trees need to grow?

  1. Full Sun.
  2. 2ft+ of soil depth (It doesn’t need to be topsoil)
  3. Good Drainage.  No Standing water in the hole at time of planting.

These trees will tolerate wet & heavy clay sites if planted on mounds to keep crown above water line.

Where are these trees grown?

North End, Salt Spring Island

How old are these trees?

These trees are one year old.

What do you mean by bare root?

These trees do not come in a pot. They contain no soil and have used no plastic in their growing.

They are dug directly out of our propagation beds and delivered to you as “Bare root”. This means that you need to “heel them in” or bury their roots in soil or woodchips until you are ready to plant.

Do not let the roots dry out or freeze. They are safe once heeled in.

What do you mean by heeled in?

To cover temporarily the roots of a plant or several plants with soil to keep them until planting

Where do you source your seeds from?

We source seeds from seedbanks, private collectors, and historical parks including Gellatly Nut Farm, and Grimos Nut Nursery.


Health Benefits of Tree Nut Crops and their Bioactive Compounds

English Walnut (Juglans Regia)

Japanese Heartnut (Juglans Ailanthifolia Cordiformis)

Hazelnut (Corylus Avellana / Corylus Cornuta Hybrids)

Shakbark Hickory (Carya Ovata)

Guides on Growing Hazelnuts


Video of Walnut Grove Project

Nigel Kay
I grow food, plant trees, maintain orchards, and design ecosystems that help families become healthier and happier.
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