Food Sovereignty is “the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods.” Loss of Control of our food system [...]
Check out these improved varieties of fruit & nut trees. Plant some of these trees, and you`ll leave a wonderful gift for future generations. These plants are ideal for Coastal BC, Growing [...]
This post is an attempt to simplify our previous post on soil tests, and to provide an easy-to-follow recipe to restore an old fruit tree. Assumptions:1. A Soil test is taken and the results are [...]
In this post, we explore the use of Artificial Intelligence to support soil test analysis. We set the stage by introducing William Albrecht’s work and his soil test targets. We then provide [...]
A How-To Guide to Restore the Health and Regenerate the Productivity of Old Fruit & Nut Trees I’ve had the blessing of being involved in a few Heirloom Orchard Restoration projects in [...]
Here is a simple drip irrigation system. Irrigation System Design & Installation Call 250 510 8938 Select a Timer based on how many “Zones” you are watering Orbit One Zone Timer. [...]
The Salt Spring Island Fall Fair is Saltspring’s oldest community event, in action since 1895. The Fall fair is a great event that connects locals and visitors alike at the Farmers’ [...]
I had the opportunity to tour the Echo Valley Community Garden as part of the Garden Tour Series held by the Incredible Edibles group of the Salt Spring Island Garden Club. Thank you Milly who [...]
Summary: The majority of Canadians are deficient in 3 or more essential nutrients. We can grow food that is more nutrient-rich.Nutrient-rich foods have more vitamins, minerals, and [...]
These are the varities of Nut Trees we are starting this year, Fall 2021 by seed. We expect to have limited quantities of these Seedling nut trees available for planting Fall 2022. This selection [...]