Food Sovereignty is “the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods.” Loss of Control of our food system [...]
Our Goal is to distribute 100 Nut Trees for planting on Salt Spring Island this winter. These are Healthy, Vigorous, One-year old trees ready to be planted Why Plant Nut Trees? Why Choose Our [...]
Consider buying your true love a partridge and a pear tree for Christmas. 10 Tree Orchards starting at $2975. Our Pear and hazelnut tree orchard is a perfect gift for the family. The hazelnuts [...]
Check out these improved varieties of fruit & nut trees. Plant some of these trees, and you`ll leave a wonderful gift for future generations. These plants are ideal for Coastal BC, Growing [...]
Here’s a materials list for the new orchard installation. Trees For a full list of the best varieties of fruit and nut trees, Check out our recent post, “Trees Your Grandchildren Will [...]
This post is an attempt to simplify our previous post on soil tests, and to provide an easy-to-follow recipe to restore an old fruit tree. Assumptions:1. A Soil test is taken and the results are [...]
In this post, we use soil testing to identify mineral deficiencies in old fruit orchards. By remineralizing the soil we can increase the health of the trees and increases the Nutrient Density of [...]
A How-To Guide to Restore the Health and Regenerate the Productivity of Old Fruit & Nut Trees I’ve had the blessing of being involved in a few Heirloom Orchard Restoration projects in [...]
Need fruit tree pruning? We are now booking fruit tree pruning services for the winter season. (Jan / Feb / March) Pruning can help you: Increase fruit size and quality Remove dead, dying, & [...]
We participated in a community project at The Root on Salt Spring Island. The Root is a local food community center dedicated to food sustainability and permaculture. The Root is a facility that [...]